🏆 PaperMod comparative analysis
Very complex page Suggest Changes It works! Try it here on top! Goes directly to github! (https://github.com/palladius/ricc.rocks/tree/main/papermod.ricc.rocks/content/posts/papermod-analysis-page.md in this case). Just fails with symilnks, but you cant have it all :P test emoji (failed) testing emojis: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: Test Math Math poorly documented here: https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/blob/exampleSite/content/posts/math-typesetting.md Finally this site fixed it for me: https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/how-to-render-math-equations-properly-with-katex/40998 See inline: $$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-x^2} dx$$ Inline math: $$(\varphi = \dfrac{1+\sqrt5}{2}= 1.6180339887…)$$ $${a}^{b} - \overbrace{c}^{d}$$ $$\underbrace{a}{b} - \underbrace{c}{d}$$ Finish inline....
💦 🚈 Sebastian l'intrepido tramviere zurighese 🇨🇭(pbt symlink)
Note: This was created with Gemini. Prompt: Write an opening scene for a fantasy fiction novel set in a steampunk 18th century. Be descriptive and historically accurate. Avoid anachronism. The scene should involve Sebastian, a veryyoung tram driver in Zurich on a quest to understand the nature of knowledge and learning. Write in the style of Douglas Adams. Build mystery throughout the scene and end with an unexpected revelation. Write in Italian....
💦 🚈 Sebastian l'intrepido tramviere zurighese 🏴 and 🦒 Rara (ricc symlink)
Note: This was created with Gemini. Scena di apertura: Sebastian e il Tram Misterioso (Ispirazione Steampunk/Adams) Il tintinnio del campanello del tram squarciò la bruma del mattino zurighese. Non era la solita nebbia, no. Era la nebbia dell’autunno del 1783, densa, quasi solida. Sebastian, il tranviere dall’irriverente ciuffo color carota, strizzò gli occhi contro il grigiore, cercando di scorgere i binari. I suoi quattordici anni si sentivano tutti in quei momenti, un ammasso di sogni impossibili e la paura tremenda di deragliare per un sasso fuori posto....
💦 Symlinked Themes Compared (🏆)
I tried many modules this weekend. Note that different themes have different words and key/vals in the above stanza so I better not confuse them. For instance, this page has a featured_image which only works with Ananke, and a image which probably works with other themes. What I’ve tried so far: Symlinking across all pages. so far only tried one - definitely golang won’t notice the changed symlinked file. Notice that STACK is currently in a DIFFEERENT place....
💦 Symlinked Music I like 🎹
I love a few bands which I’m happy to share. I play the piano https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_JwJ9fPGKg A guy playing DT on piano. Wow.